Princess Mononoke Nature Spirits Inspired Engagement Ring

Ian and Megan first got to know one another through their mutual passion for Studio Ghibli. Across countless thought-provoking conversations exploring one of their favorite Ghibli films, Princess Mononoke, they bonded over their reverence for nature and appreciation of the interconnected cycle of life reflected in the story's Shinto themes. Now deeply in love, Ian and Megan celebrate the growth of their relationship with a meaningful Princess Mononoke inspired engagement ring crafted by Takayas Custom Jewelry!
As a stunning representation of the power of nature, Takayas focused their custom design upon the two sides of the mystical Forest Spirit. Intricate, curling filigree wraps around the top of the platinum band, mirroring the rich foliage that blooms into life wherever the Forest Spirit treads. Dainty leaves adorn the twisting vines and form the prongs that embrace Ian and Megan's unique blue diamond center stone.

The bright green-tinted glimmer of their blue diamond captures the intense color of the Forest Spirit's astounding second form as the Night-Walker. Bold spiral patterns from the Night-Walker's radiant markings create the ring's under-gallery, framed by the finely-sculped tendrils that sprout from its head and arms.

Each side of the Forest Spirit, distinct yet essentially linked, seamlessly merges in Ian and Megan's extraordinary design. The hollow inner band created by these pieces holds a special surprise for the traveler who pays close attention - five Kodama heads blinking between the spaces!

Ian and Megan were awed by their incredible token of the Cedar Forest. "The metalworking details and the shine of the blue diamond are breathtaking," Megan said, after the big in-person reveal. "Thank you for putting such complex themes of Shinto and nature based on Princess Mononoke into the ring!"

We'd like to say "Thank you!" to Ian and Megan for inviting us to create a beautiful engagement ring that honors the message of Princess Mononoke. No matter where your journeys may take you, we know that love will always connect you together!
Are you ready to begin your custom journey? Visit our Options page to begin crafting, or visit our Inquire page to get in touch with Takayas.