Howl’s Moving Castle Calcifer Inspired Engagement Ring

Howl’s Moving Castle is a magical animated fantasy directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and Bryce’s fiancée adores the iconic animated film filled with charming and whimsical imagery! Knowing this, Bryce sought out Takayas Custom Jewelry to create a custom split shank engagement ring that would incorporate her favorite fiery character from the film, Calcifer. A blushing light pink sapphire rests atop rosy tendrils as shimmering star-like diamonds embellish its gorgeous split shank design. Lying underneath the lovely center stone is a fire demon! Instead of incorporating an exact image of Calcifer within Bryce’s ring, Takayas sculpted an organic version of Calcifer to fill the ring’s undergallery with an elegant dancing flame. Bringing in movement and motion that ensures Bryce’s ring exudes both warmth and sophistication. “It is absolutely gorgeous!” Bryce shared with us his excitement when he received his custom ring, “I am so excited for her to see it. This has been a wonderful experience and I greatly appreciate all of your assistance.” Thank you, Bryce, for inviting us to craft an engagement ring inspired by a beautiful film filled with charm and sophistication! We hope your ring brings more magic into you and your fiancée’s sweet relationship! Are you ready to begin your custom journey? Visit our Options page to begin crafting, or visit our Inquire page to get in touch with Takayas.