Zelda Wind Waker Inspired Engagement Ring

Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring by Takayas - main image with goddess pearl background
Bryan contacted us with a wonderful concept for a three-stone engagement ring, wanting it to be inspired by his girlfriend Jackie's favorite installment of the Legend of Zelda series: The Wind Waker.
Specifically, he wanted the three stones to represent the three goddess pearls from the game, leaving the gemstone choice up to Takayas. Additionally, he asked us to incorporate a heart piece in the style of Zelda Twilight Princess, symbolizing their two hearts making a whole.

Zelda Wind Waker video game cover and screen shot - used for inspiration

Zelda Twilight Princess heart container and heart piece, used as inspiration
Takayas decided to use emerald, sapphire, and ruby to represent the goddess pearls: Emerald for Farore, blue sapphire for Nayru, and Ruby for Din. (These gems also match the three Spiritual Stones from Ocarina of Time, for a bonus Zelda reference.)

CAD rendering of Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring - perspective view
The custom setting/gallery for these three stones is a combination of the iconic triforce and the swirling graphic from the sail of the King of Red Lions boat, with the Twilight Princess heart container wrapping around the shoulders of the ring to form the sides of the mounting. Takayas set a small accent diamond inside each heart container to represent a piece of heart.

photograph of Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring - top view

photograph of Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring - front view

photograph of Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring - side view

photograph of Zelda Wind Waker inspired engagement ring - inside view
A Wind Waker inspired wavy pattern begins below the heart containers and continues down the shank to complete the Zelda theme. Finally, Takayas added the Goddess Pearl symbols to the under gallery of the ring for a fun surprise!We loved the way this special design turned out, and loved it even more when Bryan gave us more insight into the meaning of each design element! I'll let him explain, in his own words:
"The three goddess pearls (represented with the gemstones in the ring as well as the symbols underneath) represent Courage, Passion, and Love, important aspects of our relationship. The sapphire is the largest and the centerpiece since it stands for love and blue is her favorite color. The triforce is representative of our relationship in its entirety as it is the product of those three things coming together. The symbols on the underside also appear in a tattoo Jackie has.
There are two heart pieces and diamonds which represent each of us and in the games you have to find multiple heart pieces to make a full heart. This is symbolic of us feeling like parts of a whole.
The waves on the sides of the band represent both home (we live near the coast) and the journey we set out on together as Link sets out to cross the ocean in the game."



Isn't that absolutely beautiful?! We wish this happy couple a lifetime of adventures together! As you know, it's dangerous to go alone.
Visit our Options page to begin crafting or visit our Inquire page to get in touch with Takayas.