Sailor Saturn Engagement Ring and Lightsaber Wedding Bands

Front view of 14K yellow gold and moonstone Sailor Saturn engagement ring by Takayas Custom Jewelry
We loved creatingthis custom 14K yellow gold engagement ring for Justin based on his fiancee Joni's childhood heroine, Sailor Saturn.
We hadpreviously created a Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon ring, sowere excited when Justin contacted usfrom Singapore with a request for a custom Sailor Saturn ring based on her tiara.

They wanted to use a moonstone center stone because its color would match Hotaru'stiara gem (each Sailor Scout has a different colored stone associated with their tiara).
Takayas played around with adding purple accent stones, but he ultimatelydecided they would have distracted fromthe elegant, understated look ofthe tiara design.

Rather than use a solid band of metal, Takayas designed the ring with asplit shankstyleto maintain the proportionsof Sailor Saturn's tiara without all of the bulky metal.This helped toreduce the heavinessofthe bandsignificantly so thatthe ringwould have a more slim,elegant look.
He merged the split shank in the back of the band so that it would feel comfortable to wear.



Side view of Sailor Saturn tiara engagement ring by Takayas Custom Jewelry

Joni wearing her custom Sailor Saturn engagement ring
Lastly, for their wedding bands, they commissioned a pair of matching Dark Side lightsaber wedding rings from our Star Wars inspired collection.

We couldn't ask for a friendlier couple to work with. Throughout the process they were thoughtful and communicative, and they were able to perfectly explain Joni's design preferences through email.
Thank you again for letting us share your story!