Final Fantasy XIV Sultana and Paladin Marriage Wedding Set

queen nanamo paladin final fantasy wedding rings takayas custom jewelry 1
The first video game you play together as a couple will always hold a special nostalgia. When Itsuka and Johann first started dating, the first game they ever bonded over was Final Fantasy XIV.
Several years later once they were ready to get married, they reached out to us to design a set of custom Sultana and Paladin wedding rings based on FFXIV.


paladin of uldah sword final fantasy

assembling the rings
Itsuka's 18K yellow gold engagement ring is inspired by Queen Nanamo of Ul'dah and features a 1.00 ct pink morganite center stone. Because Queen Nanamo's character wears a lot of delicate pink colors, we had to search for a while to find the right center stone. A pink sapphire would have been too saturated, but luckily, we were able to find a pale pink morganite that captured her color palette perfectly.

The front centerpiece of Queen Nanamo's crown and wraps around the top shoulder of the band, and the bottom half of her crown wraps around the base of the shank. If you look closely, Takayas designed each of the prongs to form the symbol on the front of her dress.

queen nanamo final fantasy engagement ring takayas custom jewelry 1
Johann's 18K white gold wedding band is based on the Paladin class he first played as!

The Paladin sword's guard frames his London blue topaz center stone, and the pattern along the band's shank is the same pattern that runs down the length of the sword's blade. While Itsuka's engagement ring features a raised solitaire setting to elegantly highlight her center stone, Johann's topaz is set in a deeper, more masculine style so that it seamlessly merges with the sword pattern.

paladin final fantasy mens ring takayas custom jewelry 1
In the back of each ring's setting there is a matching Ul'dah symbol!

We had such a fantastic time working with Johann and Itsuka. Throughout the design process they were warm, friendly, and provided thoughtful input on ways to incorporate their favorite Final Fantasy characters' elements. After we finished their bands, they were kind enough to write about their experience working with us:
"So basically FF14 is the very first game we played together, and also the very first PC game my wife ever played.
It's not an easy game for the beginners to video games, but she tried it anyway because I was playing it and she thought my character (Lalafell Paladin) was cute. So she created Lalafell blackmage and started to play with me.
We actually purchased our wedding bands from Tiffany before we got married because the rings are needed for the catholic wedding ceremony. But I somehow lost my ring and it was never found.
I went online and found out about the Triforce ring that Takayas made years ago, and thought nothing could be better for me because I'm a big fan of video games since the age of 4 and am now working in the game industry as a character designer.
I personally really like Zelda, so I thought about making a Zelda ring, but it'd mean nothing to my wife because she knows nothing about Zelda. So we agreed FF14 was the best idea for creating custom rings as it is the very first video game we played together.
Our first idea was creating the rings based on the characters we were playing as, however, my wife's character was a blackmage and a blackmage wouldn't be the best wedding concept- there came the idea of Nanamo. Nanamo was the queen of the city we started the game and she had a great design concept for the wedding band.
We gathered the picture of the characters we chose and sent it to you guys to make the rings, and from there you guys also know how it went!

johann and uematsu