Gate of Time Zelda Inspired Wedding Bands

Legend of Zelda diamond engagement ring and Gate of Time jacket enhance by Takayas Custom Jewelry
We always enjoy creating our Zelda inspired engagement rings, but some of our best projects have been once it is time for the ceremony and we get to design a matching wedding band.
Back in 2014, Robert proposed to Jeannette with a series of clues written on Zelda themed scrolls that led her back to the arcade where they had their first date!

Proposal Robert jeanette
When it came time for their wedding, they decided to create a custom wedding jacket based on the Gate of Time to bring the Zelda theme full circle.
Jeannette's 14K gold wedding jacket features the Gate of Time symbols engraved throughout the bands. For accents stones, we used ninediamonds and as well as a ruby, sapphire, and emerald to represent the triforces of power, wisdom, and courage.

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"A few months before January 17th, 2014, I decided it was finally time topropose to Jeannette. It was during this time I came up with severaldifferent ideas on how to do it, some of which I told her, regrettably,mainly to keep up appearances since this was a subject of discussion at thetime. Finally it dawned on me and I came up with a fool proof plan to carrythrough. In order to keep her in the dark, I hid everything under the guiseof getting a new couch since we were both wanting a new one.
Fast forwardto the17th of January, I managed to write four scrolls with various clues.The first one was just the starter but the other three had a red, blue, orgreen ribbon on it with a clue to the next location and what specificaspect related to her based on the ribbon color and the triangle I had drawn on it. She eventually followed these scrolls to the final one locatedin the area where our first date was, Pinball Pete's in East Lansing. It washere thatsheand her brother had found me playing Raiden. After some verybrief small talk, I got down to one knee and proposed to her on the spot.
She was taken back by it all since she didn't expect it whatsoever andthought she was just there to pick up an item. She said yes but somethingdid backfire, she asked where her couch was."

robert and jeannette
We wish them both a wonderful marriage and a lifetime of joy together! Foranyone who is wondering, we're happy to report Jeannette eventually got her couch.
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