Dolphin Collection

Dolphins have been viewed as magical for millennium by humans.

The Greeks, symbolized dolphins with kingship, authority, strength, dominion, freedom, intelligence, compassion and fatherly protection over the sea, as well as love, friendliness, playfulness, sensuality, desire, exploration, curiosity, attraction and joy. Ancient Greek legends state that the dolphin is responsible for carrying the souls of the dead to the island of the blessed. Also in Greece, the dolphin is a compatriot of both the god Apollo (sun) and the goddess Aphrodite (moon). Both lunar symbolism and solar symbolism are represented in the dolphin.

Sun Dolphin meanings: Active, Life, Vibrant, Health, Renewal, Intelligence

Moon Dolphin meaning: Hidden power, Intuition, Dreams, Conception, Feminine

In Celtic animal symbolism, the dolphin was a highly honored creature as it was seen as the protector of sacred wells and water. The dolphin, to the Celtic mind, is the watcher of the waters. Christian symbolism shows the dolphin as a figure of well-being.

It’s not strange that dolphins till today are considered as symbols of freedom, protection and good luck. So, if you or/and your mate are enchanted by dolphins, celebrate your mutual love with an appropriate ring.







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